edward cullen

Posted in March 2009 on March 18, 2009 by debbiestar

The drizzling sound of morning made me want to cradle to sleep for like forever. It’s already 6:OO in my cellphone clock. My class is at 7:00am. I need to get up. It’s the last week of classes. I need to give my best. I need to go to class. 

I got to school in the nick of time. Actually, I am late but apparently, the professor is not around. Boo. I should still be sleeping this time.

My last and only class ended at 9:45. It’s that early. I want to sleep. It’s so cold. I just saw my 162 exam grade and yes, I failed. It’s just not my time, I guess. Am I really getting stupid? Or is there something in me that I couldn’t do things right? Oh well.

I’ve waited for him expecting that I’ll see him by 11:30. 11:30 came but there is no sign of him. He’s still asleep. He didn’t go to his class. It’s not the first time. I called up thinking that he might want to get up and see me soon but no, as what he used to do. He’s selfish. I’ve waited for one of the longest hours of my life. I don’t have the appetite. I can’t eat. It’s like I am floating in the air. I feel so alone. I feel bad.

This is not the first time.

The weather makes me feel even worse. It’s so cold. It’s raining. I hate it. I hate it when it rains.

How can he do that to me? How he not understand what I mean? Why? 😥

I just hate the feeling. It’s depressing. I am not okay, really. But I hope I’ll be okay. 

It’s icy cold. It brings shivers down to my spine. I can’t believe I am going through this. Again and again. Is this right? When something is right, shouldn’t you feel good about it? But why do I feel bad? I am selfish, too. 😦

I am crying a river… Just like the clouds when the rain pours.

Edward Cullen… What does it feel to be a vampire?

heartsy stuffy

Posted in February 2009 on February 8, 2009 by debbiestar

Yeah boy.  Hello heart. Hello February.

Hello baby love.♥
F na f mo na naman. Hahaha.

Time to give some love. But for those who don’t want it, wag na lang noh. Haha. Kidding aside, I know where to stand. Time to move on. It’s better to leave the past behind.  Pain is served and nothing can change that. Brrr. It’s good that there’s such thing as the benefit of the doubt, and I am always willing to give it. I am a peaceful person, you know. I am hoping for the best. Anyway, I am still happy with my life. Weeeee =D

I just love the spotlight. Hahaha. But I love being at peace more than anything else. I know I am doing the right thing.



Posted in January 2009 on January 30, 2009 by debbiestar


Nothing will change what has happened. What’s done is done.

I’ve trusted these people but sometimes the people you thought of being trust-worthy are the ones who will hurt you first. It’s really painful. 😐

I thought wrong of different things. I can’t get over with this. They would never understand. :c

Boohoo. It’s another heartbreak for me. Am i walking away this time?


two weeks

Posted in January 2009 on January 25, 2009 by debbiestar


Two weeks of sleepless nights for my academics life…oh come on! I need to fight my internet addiction. Boo. Oh well, i just need to sacrifice a little bit more. I want to graduate on time. Well, not actually on time. I want to march on my graduation together with my most loved baby. This will be an enough reason for me to work hard, as in really hard. I know I’ll get through everything having him by my side.

50% inspiration, 50% perspiration. Gimme more! Hahaha.


A Love Like This

Posted in January 2009 on January 9, 2009 by debbiestar

tokyo tokyo love

Starting the year right is always the best thing to do. So there, trying to just let things go and living life to the fullest. You only feel good when you just let things be and you learn to accept everything. Nothing beats the real goodness in one’s heart. When you just try to look at the countless blessings that God has been giving you, you’ll be much surprised how beautiful life is. I feel superduper blessed, with everything, with my school, with my friends, with my family and with the love of my life. Cheesy eh! I am just so happy. I’m happy with my loves. Haha. 🙂

To love another person is to see the face of God. -Les Miserables.


Walking away… NOT!

Posted in January 2009 on January 4, 2009 by debbiestar

“You are my life now.” Ohhhh. Twilight love. Haha.
I will enjoy life at its best. Weeee.
I need patience, a whole lot of patience. Boohoo.
I can’t afford to lose him now. I can’t afford to lose him ever.
I am not walking away from him, from us. Wooo love. It’s the best feeling in the world. 🙂

It’s human nature to be free. No matter how long you try to be good… You can’t keep a bad girl down.-Gossip Girl


Hello 2009

Posted in January 2009 on January 3, 2009 by debbiestar

Life is just great. Can you hear sarcasm? Well, I am sarcastic in a way. Life is great, really. But I am so not in the mood of enjoying it right now. Boo to me.

I need to start the year right. But i still cannot leave the past behind. It keeps on haunting me. It’s like eating me alive over and over again. What the hell. It is affecting ‘us’ so much, seriously. And I am not liking it in any way. BS. This is nothing to do with anyone. It’s just the issue. Dammit. Why oh why can’t you leave me alone? Oh PLEAAASE. This is just too much.

I need this out of my system. If not, then it’s a war. Bring it on, monster! I am not leaving him anyway. Boo to you. Hey PAST, stop, look… goodbye! I’m walking away from you but not from him. Dig your own grave, you crap! I am so not angry, okaaay? Haha.

Say hello to 2009! Once a star, always a star. Shine Brighter. Weeee. 🙂
