Hello 2009

Life is just great. Can you hear sarcasm? Well, I am sarcastic in a way. Life is great, really. But I am so not in the mood of enjoying it right now. Boo to me.

I need to start the year right. But i still cannot leave the past behind. It keeps on haunting me. It’s like eating me alive over and over again. What the hell. It is affecting ‘us’ so much, seriously. And I am not liking it in any way. BS. This is nothing to do with anyone. It’s just the issue. Dammit. Why oh why can’t you leave me alone? Oh PLEAAASE. This is just too much.

I need this out of my system. If not, then it’s a war. Bring it on, monster! I am not leaving him anyway. Boo to you. Hey PAST, stop, look… goodbye! I’m walking away from you but not from him. Dig your own grave, you crap! I am so not angry, okaaay? Haha.

Say hello to 2009! Once a star, always a star. Shine Brighter. Weeee. 🙂


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